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PAFRA are working with stakeholders across Australia to change legislation and end corporal punishment.


Workshop 1: April 29, 2022

Having the conversation: What is the role of legislative change and access to parenting supports in preventing corporal punishment of children in Australia?

This virtual workshop brought together international experts in legislation, social impact and academic research.  Coinciding with International Day to End Corporal Punishment of Children, the workshop launched our collective action towards legislative change in Australia. 

Recordings from the workshop are available below. 

Part 1
Current legal perspective on Australian state/territory laws on corporal punishment


Linda Savage
Ambassador for Children and Young People in Western Australia

Part 2

Corporal punishment law change – what does it mean for Indigenous Australians?


Kelleigh Ryan
Psychologist; Director, The Seedling Group

Part 3

Corporal punishment and its impact on children, plus the Canadian experience.


Professor Joan Durrant
University of Manitoba, Canada

Part 4

Update and lessons from the USA.


Professor George Holden
South Methodist University, USA

Part 5

Lessons learned from Ireland.


Jillian van Turnhout

Former Irish Senator, leader of Irish campaign for legislative change

Part 6

What worked for NZ and what might we apply to Australia?


Beth Wood
Lead campaigner for corporal punishment legislative change in New Zealand

Part 7

Lessons learned from Wales.


Professor Sally Holland
Cardiff University; former Children’s Commissioner, Wales

Part 8

Where are we at in Australia? Reflecting on other countries’ experiences and our next steps.


Anne Hollonds
Australian National Children’s Commissioner


  • Divna M. Haslam, Eva Malacova, Daryl Higgins, Franziska Meinck, Ben Mathews, Hannah Thomas, David Finkelhor, Sophie Havighurst, Rosana Pacella, Holly Erskine, James G. Scott, David Lawrence (2024). The prevalence of corporal punishment in Australia: Findings from a nationally representative survey. Australian Journal of Social Issues, 147.

  • Slep, A. M. S., Rhoades, K. A., Lorber, M. F., & Heyman, R. E. (2024). Glimpsing the Iceberg: Parent-Child Physical Aggression and Abuse. Child Maltreatment, 29(2), 219–232.

  • Dallaston, E. (2023). Prohibition of corporal punishment and alternative justifications for the lawful use of force against children in Australia. The Australian Journal of Social Issues.

  • Greeff, L. A. (2023). Children's rights violations: Parental corporal punishment under the microscope. The Australian Journal of Social Issues.

  • Greeff, L. A. (2023). The normative nature of corporal punishment in Australia. The Australian Journal of Social Issues.

  • Havighurst, S. S., Mathews, B., Doyle, F. L., Haslam, D. M., Andriessen, K., Cubillo, C., Dawe, S., Hawes, D. J., Leung, C., Mazzucchelli, T. G., Morawska, A., Whittle, S., Chainey, C., & Higgins, D. J. (2023). Corporal punishment of children in Australia: The evidence-based case for legislative reform. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 47(3), 100044–100044.

  • Savage, L. (2023). Corporal punishment: Why the intentional use of violence against children is still acceptable. The Australian Journal of Social Issues.

  • Greeff, L.-A. (2022). Corporal punishment in New South Wales: A call for repeal of section 61AA. Alternative Law Journal, 47(1), 30–35.

  • Saunders, B. J. (2019). Children's Human Rights and Social Work Advocacy: "Lawful Correction" Australian Social Work, 72(4), 490–502.

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