Professor Sophie Havighurst (The University of Melbourne)
Board of Directors
Mr Warren Cann (Parenting Research Centre)
Professor Sharon Dawe (Griffith University)
Dr Frances Doyle (Macquarie University)
Dr Divna Haslam (The University of Queensland)
Dr Chris Hatherly (Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia)
Professor David Hawes (The University of Sydney)
Professor Daryl Higgins (Australian Catholic University)
Dr Trevor Mazzucchelli (Curtin University)
Professor Alina Morawska (The University of Queensland)
Professor Matthew R. Sanders (The University of Queensland, ARC Life Course Centre)
Professor Marie Yap (Monash University)
Professor Vicki Anderson (Murdoch Children's Research Institute)
Dr Karl Andriessen (The University of Melbourne)
Dr Sabine Baker (Children's Health Queensland)
Dr Jacqui Barfoot (The University of Queensland)
Professor Chris Boyle (The University of Adelaide)
Associate Professor Kylie Burke (Metro North Mental Health Service)
Professor Alison Calear (Australian National University)
Dr Shawna Campbell (Griffith University)
Mr Warren Cann (Parenting Research Centre)
Dr Carys Chainey (The University of Queensland)
Professor Deborah Cobb-Clark (The University of Sydney)
Professor Vanessa Cobham (The University of Queensland)
Professor Mark Dadds (The University of Sydney)
Professor Sharon Dawe (Griffith University)
Dr Cassandra Dittman (Central Queensland University)
Dr Frances Doyle (Macquarie University)
Professor Valsamma Eapen (University of New South Wales)
Professor Sharon Goldfeld (Royal Children's Hospital)
Dr Carolina Gonzalez (University of Southern Queensland)
Professor Kylie Gray (University of Warwick)
Professor Adam Guastella (The University of Sydney)
Associate Professor Paul Harnett (Griffith University)
Dr Divna Haslam (Queensland University of Technology)
Dr Chris Hatherly (Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia)
Professor Sophie Havighurst (The University of Melbourne)
Associate Professor David Hawes (The University of Sydney)
Dr Karyn Healy (QIMR Berghofer)
Professor Daryl Higgins (Australian Catholic University)
Dr April Hoang (The University of Queensland)
Dr Julie Hodges (The University of Queensland)
Professor Jennie Hudson (Black Dog Institute)
Emeritus Professor David Kavanagh (Queensland University of Technology)
Dr Mandy Kienhus (Parenting Research Centre)
Dr Grace Kirby (The University of Queensland)
Dr James Kirby (The University of Queensland)
Dr HeeRa Ko (Australian Catholic University)
Associate Professor Jane Kohlhoff (University of New South Wales)
Professor Cynthia Leung (Victoria University)
Ms Sarah Little (The University of Queensland)
Mr Tianyi Ma (The University of Queensland)
Dr Michelle Macvean (Parenting Research Centre)
Dr Fiona May (Parenting Research Centre)
Professor Ben Mathews (Queensland University of Technology)
Dr Trevor Mazzucchelli (Curtin University)
Dr Vincent Mancini (Telethon Kids Institute)
Professor Christel Middeldorp (The University of Queensland)
Dr Amy Mitchell (Griffith University)
Associate Professor Alina Morawska (The University of Queensland)
Professor Jan Nicholson (La Trobe University)
Associate Professor Jeneva Ohan (University of Western Australia)
Associate Professor Alan Ralph (The University of Queensland)
Dr Susan Rowe (Bond University)
Dr Katherine Ryan (Griffith University)
Professor Matthew Sanders (The University of Queensland)
Dr Gina-Maree Sartore (Parenting Research Centre)
Associate Professor Bernadette Saunders (Monash University)
Associate Professor Emma Sciberras (Deakin University)
Professor James Scott (QIMR Berghofer)
Dr Hannah Thomas (QIMR Berghofer)
Professor Bruce Tonge (Monash University)
Professor John Toumbourou (Deakin University)
Associate Professor Karen Turner (The University of Queensland)
Dr Catherine Wade (Parenting Research Centre)
Professor Lea Waters (The University of Melbourne)
Associate Professor Elizabeth Westrupp (Deakin University)
Dr Koa Whittingham (The University of Queensland)
Dr Karen Wynter (Monash University)
Professor Sarah Whittle (The University of Melbourne)
Professor Kate Williams (University of the Sunshine Coast)
Professor Marie Yap (Monash University)
Professor Melanie Zimmer-Gembeck (Griffith University)